
Total Served - 5 Years
8,200 Households
11,200 Children
3,400 Seniors
Approximately 2 million pounds of food donated by Sam’s Club in the past 5 years and WLC distributes to 16 additional organizations:
Retail Average $400,000 per year
Partners with 17 service agencies, outreaches and organizations in a variety of areas promoting total wellbeing
Volunteer staff of 4 averaging 1700 hours per year, with over 70 volunteer team members

Summary Information

  • Total served over 5 years: 8200 Households; 11,200 Children; 3,400 Seniors
  • Approximately 2 million pounds of food donated by Sam’s Club in the past 5 years and WLC distributes to 16 additional organizations: Retail average $400,000 per year
  • Partners with 17 service agencies, outreaches and organizations in a variety of areas promoting total wellbeing
  • Volunteer Staff of 4 averaging 1700 hours per year, with over 70 volunteer team members

Many organizations in the Easton, PA area work together to help those most in need. The following diagram shows just some of the relationships between non-profits which create a “web” of support. 

Over the years, the Whole Life Center has grown from a small operation to being a leading provider of food and goods to other pantries in the greater Easton area. The following video shows the growth of the Whole Life Center over time. The size of the arrows denote the quantity of food and goods flowing from one organization to the other.